In the name of ALLAH
?When is the International Hosseini infant gathering`s day
روز همایش جهانی شیرخوارگان حسینی چه روزی است؟
?When is the global day of Ali Asghar
روز جهانی علی اصغر چه روزی است؟
Do you know that Imam husayn`s enemies didn`t let him and his family drink any water, even his 6-mounth-old son?
آیا می دانید که دشمنان امام حسین به او و خانواده اش اجازه ی نوشیدن ندادند؟ حتی به پسر 6 ماهه اش؟
Remember Imam husayn when drinking water, as his enemies didn`t let him and his family drink any water till killed them.
موقع نوشیدن آب امام حسین را یاد کنید زیرا دشمنانش به او و خانواده اش اجازه ی نوشیدن آب ندادند تا اینکه آنها را کشتند
I can’t imagine that Imam Husayn’s child was only six-month-old when he was martyred!!
The question is for which reason?
خدایا! نمی توانم تصور کنم که بچه ی امام حسین وقتی که به شهادت رسیدند، فقط 6 ماه داشتند!!
به چه دلیل؟؟
I wish you all were present in Ashuora and saw how I asked them for water for my infant ,but they refused to give.
ای کاش در روز عاشورا حضور داشتید و شاهد آن بودید که چگونه برای نوزادم از آنها طلب آب کردم ولی آنها از دادن آب امتناع کردند.
water is the right of all living creatures ,Isn`t it
So why did he martyr thirsty
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#savior #dedication #martyrdom #martyr #ARBAEEN_2015
#right #water #thirsty #IMAM_ALI_HUSAYN`S_FATHER
#holy_shrine #The_most_GENEROUS #JohnBaptist #son_of_virgin_Mary
#Mary #Quran #Christian #new_idea #new_different #Who_is_AliAkbar
#Who_is_AliAsghar #International_Hosseini_infant_gathering`s
#Who_is_Zeynab #Who_is_Abbas
#goodness #ViCtOry #labbayk_ya_Husayn #Who_is_the_martyr
#divide_signs #spanish #Messiah #leader #Do_you_know_that
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#Edward Gibbon #RabindranathTagore #Radha_Krishnan
#ThomasCarlyle #AntoineBara
#Imam_MAHDI #Mahdi #jesus #jesuschrist
#Lord #God #Amen
#Husayn #Hussain #Hossein #most_harassed
#who_is_Husayn #who_is_Hussain #who_is_Hossein
#shia #12th_IMAM #SON_of_Man #who_is_SON_of_Man
#USA #Europe #letter4u #Iran #Islamic
#integrated #Arbaeen #integrated_global_government
#who_is_Muslim #who_inspires_you #IMAM_HUSAYN
#REAL_LIFE #IMAM #faithinGod
#Positivemotivation #Dailyinspiration #Instadaily
#Bestoftheday #Bestofinsta #Hope #life #love
#What_did_Imam_Husayn_say #peace_be_upon_him
#Ashura #Karbala #freedom #purity
#PEACE #KIND #TRUTH #follow_Husayn #follow_JESUS #ISLAM
#GENEROUS #muslim #guide #light #guidance_of_humanity
#savior #dedication #martyrdom #martyr #ARBAEEN_2015
#right #water #thirsty #IMAM_ALI_HUSAYN`S_FATHER
#holy_shrine #The_most_GENEROUS #JohnBaptist #son_of_virgin_Mary
#Mary #Quran #Christian #new_idea #new_different #Who_is_AliAkbar
#Who_is_AliAsghar #International_Hosseini_infant_gathering`s
#Who_is_Zeynab #Who_is_Abbas
#goodness #ViCtOry #labbayk_ya_Husayn #Who_is_the_martyr
#divide_signs #spanish #Messiah #leader #Do_you_know_that
#wahab #Racism #religion #unity
#Edward Gibbon #RabindranathTagore #Radha_Krishnan
#ThomasCarlyle #AntoineBara