Today is #ASHURA"
What happened on this day in history?
Have you heard the #immortal story of #Karbala?
Do you know Imam Husayn?
... He was not an ordinary man. His name was Husayn. He is the son of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib ,1st Shia Imam. He stood up against oppressors and he is a role model for freemen in the world in sacrifice, freedom, liberty and resistance. We call him Imam, Imam means leader and rector. In the year 61 AH (a way of calculating year based on the position of the moon), Imam Husayn along with his wife, children and siblings went to Kufa from Mecca, in order to respond to the people of Kufa as their request. More than 4000 people of Kufa wrote a letter to Imam Husayn and asked him to come to Kufa and rescue them from cruelness and injustice of their king "yazid" and bring justice, goodness and beauty. Yazid was a cruel leader and he took people's properties by force and represented Islam in an unrealistic and cruel way. Actually he did not know anything of real Islam , he did whatever he liked and whatever benefited him and didn`t obey the commands of God. He was a friend of the evil and he was an enemy of God. He was breaking a lot of absolute laws in Islam himself!! So people of Kufa asked for help,...
Please refer to the following link for more information
Some people blame us for talking all the time about Karbala's events and the Day of Ashura, they don't know that Karbala is not just a city, it is a #horizon as wide as the number of martyrs that have walked this path, not only once or twice but as many times as the number of martyrs that have travelled this path...
بعضی ها ما را سرزنش می کنند که چرا دم از کربلا می زنید و از عاشورا ؛ آنها نمیدانند که برای ما کربلا بیش از آنکه یک شهر باشد یک افق است که آن را به تعداد شهدایمان فتح کرده ایم ، نه یک بار نه دو بار … به تعداد شهدایمان...
The world is in circle of love, and the love of Husayn(pbuh) is in its center...
عالم همه در طواف عشق است و دایره دار این طواف حسین (ع) است ...
Have you ever reflected why many people cry for a man that was martyred 1400 years ago, when they hold a remembrance of their loved ones after a couple of years?
Who was Husayn that many people of the world from different religions admire him and are in awe of him???
آیا تا به حال فکر کرده اید که؟
چرا سالانه عده ای از مردم در سراسر دنیا برای کسی که حدود 1400 سال پیش کشته شده گریه میکنند در حالیکه پس از چند سال از فوت عزیزان خود تنها مراسم بزرگداشت میگیرند؟؟؟؟